Chinese water dragon for sale
$190.00 – $350.00
IN STOCK FOR $190. Chinese water dragon for sale are diurnal (active during the day) and forage for prey within small territories in the morning and midday. They are also semi-arboreal (spending much of their time in trees or plants).
Physignathus cocincinus is a species of agamid lizard native to southern China and mainland Southeast Asia. It is commonly known as the Chinese water dragon for sale, Indochinese water dragon, Asian water dragon,Thai water dragon, or green water dragon.
Chinese water dragons are large diurnal lizards adapted for dense subtropical forests replete with unpolluted streams. They are semi-arboreal, roosting at night on branches overlooking streams, which offer an escape route when the lizards are disturbed. Arthropods are their main source of food, though worms, snails, vertebrates, and plants make up a notable portion of the diet as well.
Chinese water dragon for sale Males are territorial towards each other and bear display features such as crests and jowls. Females are oviparous and reproduce sexually in the wild, though at least one captive Chinese water dragon is known to have reproduced via parthenogenesis.
Physignathus cocincinus is related to Australasian lizards in the subfamily Amphibolurinae. One amphibolurine, the Australian water dragon (Intellagama lesuerii) is so anatomically and ecologically similar to Physignathus cocincinus that it was once (erroneously) placed in the same genus.
Feral populations introduced to Hong Kong and Taiwan flourish in high densities despite countermeasures in the latter territory.
Chinese water dragon for sale populations are also stable (albeit not widespread) in protected areas of Thailand. However, in the rest of their native range, Chinese water dragons have seen sharp population declines in recent decades. They are listed as a Vulnerable species at risk of extinction in the future, based on current trends.
Chinese water dragons for sale largest threat to the species is overharvesting for meat and the pet trade. Their meat is in high demand in Vietnam, and captive breeding is currently incapable of replacing wild collection by hunters and poachers. Due to their charismatic appearance, captured Chinese water dragons are sold as pets for both local and international markets.
Yearly exports to the European Union and the United States number in the tens of thousands, all of which are taken from wild populations. Habitat loss is another source of pressure, as undisturbed streamside forest is converted into cropland or subjected to illegal logging and other human activities.
Description chinese water dragon for sale
Adult Chinese water dragon for sale are large and robust lizards; males can grow up to 90 cm (3 feet) in total length, including the tail. The tail is very long, exceeding 70% of the total body length. The maximum snout-vent length (tail excluded) is about 25 cm (9.8 inches) in males and 20 cm (7.9 inches) in females.
The body and tail are compressed (taller than wide) while the limbs are long and muscular, each ending at five sharp claws. In both sexes, a fringe of enlarged scales runs down the length of the spine. The tympanum (eardrum) is partially exposed, with its rim covered by scales. There is a row of 8 or 9 large white plate-like scales on the edge of the lower jaw, below the infralabials (the scale row of the lower lip).
Age | CB babies, CB Juveniles, CB adults |
sex | male, female |