dart frog for sale

Welcome to Willow Reptiles! Shop the largest selection of captive bred tortoise for sale and turtles for sale in the USA.


About Willow Reptiles

The Willow Reptiles a division of Next Level Inc is a family run business specializing in all types of captive-bred turtles for sale.  Turtle store also offers a wide variety of captive-bred baby tortoise and adult tortoise for sale, as well as many other captive bred reptiles, hatched right here on our reptile farm.  We have been specializing in captive bred reptiles for sale for over 2 decades.

Terms, Conditions, & Refund Policy

Amazing Selection

With thousands of animals, supplies, feeders and more, we guarantee you’ll find exactly what you’re looking for.

Outstanding Support

Our customer support is second to none – customers rave about how we don’t rest until every issue is solved to their satisfaction.

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With 128-bit SSL security with advanced encryption you are guaranteed that your purchases are safe.
ARD Exclusives - Limited Quantity Exotic Reptiles For Sale!

The Willow Reptiles Distributors Exclusives consist of some of the most in-demand exotic reptiles on the planet. We update our ARD Exclusives reptiles on a weekly basis!

Quality Reptiles & Reptile Supplies delivered to your door! View our large selection of pet reptiles for sale including snakes, lizards and turtles at our online reptile specialty store.

Featured Products
Original price was: $45.00.Current price is: $40.00.

Our team gets one-on-one time with all of our reptile pets to get to know each of them. This ensures our trust in our premium cherry picked stock. We supply a variety of healthy reptiles like snakes, lizards, and turtles.


All of our pet reptiles for sale have fast shipping at the lowest rates possible. 20+ combined years of shipping experience. Our Pro Shipping team gives 100% attention to every shipment. We use industry grade reinforced insulated cardboard containers with heating and cooling elements as needed to ensure the live arrival of your reptiles.


A reptile specialty shop brought directly into your hands. Removing the hassle from driving out of your way or dealing with any local restrictions. You can have all of your pet reptile products for sale delivered straight to your door with products that we trust and use ourselves. We offer free shipping on reptile supplies when ordering a new reptile pet.

baby tortoise for sale


captive bred tortoise for sale

With a biologist, ON-SITE we offer over 25 species of baby tortoise hatchlings for sale.  Choose the perfect tortoise hatchlings for sale, 6-month-old well-started baby tortoises, as well as juveniles and adult.  Our tortoise farm only breeds and produces captive bred tortoises and land turtles for sale. Some species include baby Russian tortoise, red foot tortoise, Sulcata tortoise, leopard tortoises, Greek tortoises, eastern & western Hermann’s tortoise, Indian star tortoise and more.

turtles for sale

We also offer captive bred wood turtles, water turtles, painted turtles, spotted turtles for sale and box turtle for sale, including baby box turtles for sale, eastern box turtle, ornate box turtles & 3 toed box turtles. Our animals are all captive-bred and never wild caught. We specialize in hand raised, indoor captive bred baby tortoises & aquatic turtles for sale, and box turtles. With a biologist, ON-SITE we are able to provide what we believe are the highest-quality captive bred turtles & baby tortoises for sale online anywhere in the USA.

Over 25 species of healthy, captive-bred well-started baby tortoises for sale.  Tortoises are shipped overnight and are available year-round. All baby and adult tortoises are shipped in heated/cooled insulated boxes via UPS or FedEx.  Shipping is always overnight for next morning delivery for one flat fee! abovereptiles is a family run company focusing on the sale of captive bred reptiles.  We have a real biologist on staff, 24 hours a day.

Our company biologist is also available to provide care guidance to our customers.  Thru captive breeding, abovereptiles has hatched thousands of baby tortoises, bred and hatched in our facility, here in .  Our reptiles for sale are shipped nationwide, year-round. While our main focus will always be offering captive bred tortoises, we also offer quite a bit of other reptiles for sale.

captive bred tortoise for sale

With a biologist, ON-SITE we offer over 25 species of baby tortoise hatchlings for sale.  Choose the perfect tortoise hatchlings for sale, 6-month-old well-started baby tortoises, as well as juveniles and adult.  Our tortoise farm only breeds and produces captive bred tortoises and land turtles for sale. Some species include baby Russian tortoise, red foot tortoise, Sulcata tortoise, leopard tortoises, Greek tortoises, eastern & western Hermann’s tortoise, Indian star tortoise and more.

turtles for sale

We also offer captive bred wood turtles, water turtles, painted turtles, spotted turtles for sale and box turtle for sale, including baby box turtles for sale, eastern box turtle, ornate box turtles & 3 toed box turtles. Our animals are all captive-bred and never wild caught. We specialize in hand raised, indoor captive bred baby tortoises & aquatic turtles for sale, and box turtles. With a biologist, ON-SITE we are able to provide what we believe are the highest-quality captive bred turtles & baby tortoises for sale online anywhere in the USA

Featured Products

large tortoise for sale

Tortoises that reach a max size of at least 18″ at full maturity are considered large tortoises.  African Sulcata, Aldabra, Giant South African leopard tortoises are Large to Giant tortoises. Other Giant tortoises for sale here at tortoise town include: Sulcata tortoise for sale (Sulcata tortoise are available in Ivory as well as Albino), leopard tortoise (baby leopard tortoise are available in Giant South African leopard tortoise Pardalis Pardalis as well as Pardalis Babcocki). Aldabra tortoise, as well as Burmese mountain tortoise include the Burmese Black Tortoise and Burmese brown mountain tortoise.

Medium Sized tortoises

Considering a tortoise that isn’t so tiny, but also isn’t a giant?  Medium sized tortoises range in size from 10-16″ on average. abovereptiles has a large variety of captive-bred medium-sized tortoises. Some medium-sized tortoises include the Burmese star tortoiseSri Lankan Star Tortoise.  Colorful species include red foot tortoiseyellow foot tortoisecherry head tortoise.  Testudo tortoises are small to medium and include the Ibera Greek tortoise and the Elongated tortoise.

Small tortoises

Small tortoises range in size from as small as only 4″ to a max length of 8″.  Are you looking for a tiny tortoise or small tortoise species? Typically, you will be shopping within the “Testudo tortoise” family.  This includes the smallest captive bred tortoise in the USA, the baby Egyptian tortoise.  Besides the Egyptian tortoise, other small species include Hermann’s tortoise family like the Western Hermann’s tortoiseHermann’s tortoise.  Other smaller tortoise species are also available.  Some small to tiny tortoises include the Russian tortoisegreek tortoise, and the baby Indian star tortoise.

Turtles for sale

Are you searching for some new baby turtles for sale?  including freshwater turtle, or any type of aquatic turtle for sale, we’ve got ya covered! We’ve got the common water turtle species like slider turtles and pond turtles for sale.  Also, we offer box turtles for sale.  abovereptiles offers box turtles for sale, 3 toed, Ornate and the Chinese box turtle.

Our mission is to bring you the highest quality, hand raised captive bred tortoises for sale and turtles for sale anywhere.  We offer a variety of captive-bred box turtlestortoise hatchlings, including sulcata tortoise russian tortoiseburmese star tortoiseSri Lankan Star Tortoiseindian star tortoisebox turtle for sale, we offer the ability to buy pet tortoise online  and get it shipped overnight to your door.

many options of baby tortoises priced cheap

 Looking for color? Check out our gorgeous baby red foot tortoise,  and baby yellow foot tortoise hatchlings.  Some 0f the most important things to do before you buy a leopard tortoise online is to find the right baby tortoise and the tortoise breeder before you choose your new tortoise.  Researching proper leopard tortoise care is pivotal to raising a healthy leopard tortoise baby and adult.

Captive bred baby tortoise

All of our baby tortoises are 100% captive bred.  Here you can buy the highest quality baby tortoises for sale.  Some of our most popular species include the leopard tortoise, burmese star tortoise for sale, box turtle for sale, baby sulcata tortoise for sale, african spurred tortoise, African spurred tortoisespurred tortoise for salerussian tortoise for sale, greek tortoise, we also offer hermann tortoise to buy online.  When considering baby tortoises for sale online, consider buying from a real tortoise breeder.  We hand raise all of our babies here on our tortoise farm.  Once you purchase we are happy to provide lifetime customer support, free of charge.

Chameleon for sale

abovereptiles is proud to have a biologist ON-SITE.  All reptiles for sale purchased from abovereptiles are 100% Captive Bred and come with a full LIVE ARRIVAL & 7 DAY HEALTH GUARANTEE including our box turtles for saleiguana for salebaby panther chameleonbaby veiled chameleons, all of our geckos for sale, including our leopard gecko for salecrested geckos for sale and gargoyle geckos.

Geckos for sale

We have a fantastic selection of 100% captive bred baby geckos for sale as well as adult gecko for sale online.  If you’re looking to buy top quality leopard geckocrested geckogargoyle geckoschahoua gecko or African fat tail gecko, abovereptiles has a real biologist ON-SITE.  Also, CB is working with top genetic lines to breed some of the nicest gecko for sale online anywhere in the world.

baby gecko for sale

Our crested gecko inventory, as well as our gargoyle geckoleopard geckos, and fat tailed gecko comes from some of the best genetic lines in the world!  We offer a full range of rare and common crested gecko morphsgargoyle gecko morphs, and fat tail gecko morphs for sale.